Tiger stripe boonie hat replica in real fabric, multiple stocks, used.

Only 1 left in stock!

This is an old replica tiger stripe boonie hat manufactured using the actual VNMC pattern fabric of ripstop fabric, which was introduced in the late Vietnam War. Generally, the cut of the ARVN bush hat is used and the brim is short and not horizontal, with the cut hanging down from the original. This type of hat is often seen in locally made boonie hats. Although the fabric is from a later period, the use of the actual fabric is very attractive. It is still in long term storage from an older era, when the fabric was first discovered.

Due to multiple stocks, the photos are only a sample of the individual pieces. Although the condition of the fabrics are generally similar, please note that there are individual differences in the position of the patterns used and the condition of the fabrics.

All will be treated as second-hand goods, so we can not be returned. Please understand.

Size: 57-60

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